We are delighted to present ClimateKIC Australia’s new strategic plan “Catalysing Climate Action”.  

This strategy for growth will guide our organisation through to 2022, and renew our mission to inspire and enable climate action by being a catalyst for systemic change, through innovation.   

This strategy was developed following extensive consultation with our industry, government and research partners. We are grateful for their thoughtful contributions and will continue to consult widely with our many stakeholders over the three years of this plan.  

We have set goals to double the size of our community and expand our portfolio of activities across more Australian states in a national collaboration to tackle climate change.  

We believe we can deliver the greatest impact by further developing our position and value as a broker of transformative climate action. Building collective motivation for collaborative projects that demonstrate ‘big impact’ climate change solutions, and learning together about what creates the fastest pathways for systemic change.  

We look forward to delivering on this strategy and working with our community to help Australia face the growing threat of climate change and seize the opportunity of a zero-carbon, climate resilient economy. 


Christopher Lee


Read the full strategy here.