Since our inception in 2017, Climate-KIC Australia has successfully developed and delivered over 20 collaborative innovation projects and programs. Detail on our project portfolio can be found in our annual impact reports.
Our collaborative projects and programs focus on early action, address multiple levers of change and vary in type, and include the following:
Since our inception in 2017, Climate-KIC Australia has successfully developed and delivered over 20 collaborative innovation projects and programs. Detail on our project portfolio can be found in our annual impact reports.
The BRC-A is a member-based organisation which helps prepare prospective PPA buyers for market-readiness through in- person and online procurement training (bootcamps and webinars) and a suite of educational resources, and facilitates connections between buyers, developers and professional service providers through an online marketplace and profiles platform.
MECLA is a collaboration of organisations coming together to drive reductions in embodied carbon in the building and construction industry. The project seeks to align with the Paris Agreement targets and principles of the circular economy and recognise that the building and construction sector is a complex ecosystem.
The CMSI is a first step to providing Australia a common understanding of financial disclosures regarding future damage to residential and commercial properties by climate-related phenomena.
Retrofit Australia is an opportunity for collaboration and partnership between homeowners, tenants, investors, industry, and government to develop, enable and implement the market demand and the ecosystem required to retrofit Australian homes and contribute to meeting our net zero emissions targets.
ClimateLaunchpad is the world's biggest cleantech and green business ideas competition and pre-accelerator.
Climate KickStarter supports researchers to develop the confidence, knowledge, skills, and ability to leverage future commercialisation opportunities.
The Australian Ocean Energy Group is an industry-led cluster dedicated to facilitating collaboration amongst the ocean energy industry to create significant value for Australia.
Climate-KIC Australia has deep expertise in co-creating and delivering complex collaborative projects and programs that demonstrate, scale and replicate climate solutions, and fill gaps in Australia’s climate change response.
As Director of Strategic Projects, Jason develops and leads multi-stakeholder system transition initiatives, leveraging his experience in Europe over the past decade working with large scale demonstrations and innovation ecosystem building initiatives for industry and cities.
As Director of Strategic Projects, Belinda brings her global experience in accounting, marketing, strategy and innovation for financial services to develop strategies to build greater resilience for Climate-KIC Australia.
As Climate-KIC Australia’s Director of Systems Innovation Meredith brings her experience in strategy, design, innovation and facilitation to shape and deliver projects and portfolios for systemic impact. She leverages her experience in consulting, financial services, corporate innovation and a start up to help people and organisations tackle the complexity of climate action.
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