Streamlining and accelerating corporate purchasing of large-scale wind and solar energy and storage.
The BRC-A is a member-based organisation which helps prepare prospective PPA buyers for market-readiness through in- person and online procurement training (bootcamps and webinars) and a suite of educational resources, and facilitates connections between buyers, developers and professional service providers through an online marketplace and profiles platform.
Streamlining and accelerating corporate purchasing of large-scale wind and solar energy and storage.
Primers and guides, templates and training that simplify the most important technical issues related to corporate renewable energy transactions
Online marketplace that connects corporate buyers and renewable energy generators with available projects. Events that provide opportunities to network and share knowledge.
Deal tracker that showcases new corporate renewable energy contracts as they are announced
BRC-A’s vision is for Australian organisations to be able to access cost-effective, responsible and reliable renewable energy, simply.
Purchasing renewable energy shouldn’t be hard. BRC-A seeks to:
Corporate buyers are not energy professionals and need help navigating procurement complexities of transitioning to renewable energy
BRC-A’s vision is for Australian organisations to be able to access cost-effective, responsible and reliable renewable energy, simply.
Purchasing renewable energy shouldn’t be hard. BRC-A seeks to:
These barriers are addressed through four strategic interventions:
When you become a member of BRC-A, you gain access to a wide range of educational resources, networking and partnership opportunities, and industry insights.
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