20 November 2020, Sydney – 2020 has been unprecedented. Off the back of catastrophic bushfires that devastated large tracts of Australia’s east coast, we have been thrown headfirst into a global pandemic the likes of which we haven’t seen in over a century.
Over this past year, and despite the unprecedented disruption of a global pandemic, Climate-KIC Australia has made great strides towards our goals. We are growing our organisation, developing and implementing transformational projects and building a community of like-minded organisations dedicated to addressing climate change.
Climate-KIC Australia has continued to strengthen its capacity and capability to drive transformational change. Our community has built deeper and more comprehensive connections and the scope and scale of our projects continues to grow.
During 2020, we have leveraged an average of 23 times the contributions from our partners, through eight collaborative projects and two entrepreneurship programs.
Through our work to 2020, we have supported over 2,700 MW in total renewable capacity through the Business Renewables Centre-Australia, trained over 150 entrepreneurs through ClimateLaunchpad and Climathon and assembled an initiative to reduce emissions along industrial supply chains whose participants account for approximately 14% of Australia’s industrial emissions.
“It’s been exciting to see our transition this financial year [2019-20], as we move into the activities that target systemic change and can really drive catalytic climate action,” said Chris Lee, Climate-KIC Australia’s CEO. “That we’ve been able to achieve such ambitious outcomes during an incredibly challenging time is a real testament to the value we provide, and the effectiveness of our approach.”
2019-20 saw the beginning of the roll out of our three-year strategic plan Catalysing Climate Action. Our focus for these three years is to sustainably grow Climate-KIC Australia and further develop our position and value as a broker of transformative climate action. We are building collective motivation for opportunities that demonstrate ‘big impact’ climate change solutions.
Like the coronavirus, climate change brings with it potentially devastating economic, environmental and social losses. However, a thoughtful approach to mitigating and adapting to climate change will also create substantial opportunities for organisations willing to innovate. We believe that our strategy allows our community to harness the first mover opportunities that emerge as the world transitions to a net-zero emissions, resilient economy.
We are pleased to present our Impact Report 2019-20. It shows our increasingly targeted and effective interventions and resulting outcomes. We thank our partners for their ongoing support and enthusiasm for bringing an innovation approach to tackling climate change, and look forward to expanding our community and our work ever further as we tackle this urgent challenge.