The Resilience Investment Vehicle (RIV) was convened in 2019 by IAG and National Australia Bank (NAB) with a vision of the future where private finance and investment, alongside public money, flows to resilience projects that help communities better withstand and recover from the impacts of disasters and adapt to climate change.

Climate-KIC worked with IAG, NAB and other project partners to prepare an Insights Report that summarises the work undertaken through the RIV, and outlines the insights and learnings of IAG and NAB as convenors and stakeholders.

These learnings are relevant to any organisation seeking to plan, develop, implement or fund resilience-building activities that could benefit from investment from the private sector.

What we did:

We were engaged by IAG and NAB to hold multi-day reflective workshops where the people involved in developing, designing and implementing the RIV were asked to:

  • Share experiences and insights from their work on the RIV, and
  • Consider how the RIV functioned from a governance perspective and through place-based pilot projects.

After the workshops, we led a multi-organisational team that worked collaboratively to analyse the workshop data to summarise the process of the RIV and identify the insights and learnings.

The results from the workshops and collaborative analysis are outlined in this Insights Report.


Download the report