Designing and testing financial models to attract private sector investment for sustainable transitions in rural regions. These models will be replicable for other climate and economic initiatives in outback communities.
The Quilpie Wellspring project seeks to unlock economic growth opportunities by moving to more sustainable, advanced and circular technologies. It highlights a new way to deliver prosperity and jobs to outback communities.
Designing and testing financial models to attract private sector investment for sustainable transitions in rural regions. These models will be replicable for other climate and economic initiatives in outback communities.
beyond financial returns
incuding private sector actors
aligning with objectives of key corporate investors
Regional communities that rely on agriculture are being exposed to extreme climate change impacts, particularly drought, creating an environment of economic decline. The Quilpie Wellspring project seeks to unlock economic growth opportunities by moving to more sustainable, advanced and circular technologies. It highlights a new way to deliver prosperity and jobs to outback communities.
The emerging need for regional projects to mobilise private sector support is now core to unlocking significant public funding. However, there is no clear precedent for this blended capital stack and innovative models are needed.
To make Quilpie Wellspring ‘investment ready’ requires a business case, with clear and attractive market value. Our hypothesis is the we can uncover the market value of the project by exploring the relationship between the Project Proponents and Project Beneficiaries in a deeper, systemic and more strategic way.
We will identify the level of funding or financing available from the private sector and design a financial model. The gap between the capital requirement and private funding will be funded by Government or philanthropic institutions. The mix of government-funded, private sector investment and philanthropic donations can be referred to as a blended capital stack. This model represents an approach where government funding is allocated to de-risk the project and encourage broader investment for the project.