Quilpie Wellspring Collaboration

Co-Designing Innovative Financial Models

Understanding new market value

beyond financial returns

Mapping beneficiaries

incuding private sector actors

Develop and test key transition narratives

aligning with objectives of key corporate investors

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How will the initiative fill this gap?

To make Quilpie Wellspring ‘investment ready’ requires a business case, with clear and attractive market value. Our hypothesis is the we can uncover the market value of the project by exploring the relationship between the Project Proponents and Project Beneficiaries in a deeper, systemic and more strategic way.

We will identify the level of funding or financing available from the private sector and design a financial model. The gap between the capital requirement and private funding will be funded by Government or philanthropic institutions. The mix of government-funded, private sector investment and philanthropic donations can be referred to as a blended capital stack. This model represents an approach where government funding is allocated to de-risk the project and encourage broader investment for the project.

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Who we’re working with

Our team

Genevieve Mortimer
Principal - Innovation Projects Climate-KIC Australia