Investing for systems change

Support the capability for systemic investing in Australia.

Why is systemic investing needed?

To drive systemic change, our investment approach must align with how change occurs in the real, complex world. Current state investment logic tends to treat the world as a machine to be optimised, assuming parts fit together efficiently and can be controlled in isolation. Systemic investing involves implementing a new financial paradigm that recognises the interconnectedness of our natural and human systems, understanding feedback loops, multi-order impacts, and taking responsibility for externalities to achieve a safe, resilient, and just future.


What is Climate-KIC’s role in the project?

Climate-KIC Australia acts as a trusted, independent connector that works with organisation to bridge these four stages. We serve as a bridge between place-based organisations and those with a clear vision and portfolio of projects and funding through establishing a funding and social architecture for projects.

We work at local, regional, national, and global levels to provide the connections needed to unlock systemic finance.

Read the reports

Adaptation Finance: Emerging approaches to solve the climate adaptation finance gap


Enabling Resilience environment ABCD framework


Readiness for Systems Investing Blog


Concept Paper: A Pathway Towards Systemic Resilience Investment

PDF 926 KB

Swimmable Birrarung Enabling investment to flow in service of a Regenerative future


Our team

Genevieve Mortimer
Principal - Innovation Projects Climate-KIC Australia

Genevieve is responsible for managing projects which aim to drive systemic change. Her careers spans impact assessment, research, stakeholder engagement and sustainability in the mining, forestry and energy sectors. She takes a systems perspective, integrating technologies, decision-making processes and organisational change strategies to solve complex problems.

Melinda Morris
Lead - Adaptation and Resilience Projects Climate-KIC Australia

Melinda brings her experience working on climate partnerships and projects in the Pacific and the UK to lead adaptation and resilience projects. She draws on her legal and policy background and experience in knowledge brokering, facilitation and strategy to support cross-sectoral stakeholders working collaboratively to build resilience and adapt to climate change.

Chris Lee
CEO Climate-KIC Australia

Christopher Lee is the CEO of Climate-KIC Australia and played a key role its establishment.  Chris has extensive climate change experience and from 2009 to 2017 led the development and implementation of Climate Change Adaptation programs for the NSW Government. He has degrees in Economics and Environmental Management, and has experience across, public, private and university sectors.

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