5 July 2023
Investigating how private capital can be directed to finance projects that build resilience, reduce disaster risk and derive a financial return for investment.
3 July 2023
The ‘NEXUS – cleantech and circular economy showcase’ will bring together attendees from local business, industry, academia and government to discuss the latest developments in the clean technology sector and the role the Geelong region can play in achieving a circular economy.
26 June 2023
The Resilient Futures Investment Roundtable has released four case studies that highlight approaches to integrate the value of resilience into decisions made about when, where and how to invest in a resilient future. These real-world examples offer insights into the practicality, usability and effectiveness of resilience valuation tools and methodologies in different contexts.
20 June 2023
A new report has been released that explores the ways that energy productivity improvement could address challenges faced by the food value chain, such as climate change, increasing costs, disruptive innovation and extreme competition, by saving energy and indirectly by delivering multiple business benefits, especially through collaborative action across the value chain.
2 June 2023
Nine innovative startups have been selected for our 2023 edition of ClimateLaunchpad, the world's biggest cleantech and green business ideas competition. These ventures have been chosen for their groundbreaking solutions aimed at addressing pressing environmental challenges, while being underpinned by sound business logic, setting them up to make a significant impact in their respective industries.
2 April 2023
Innovative digital technologies have a crucial role to play in the pathways toward decarbonisation in building and construction. Across the entire supply chain, from manufacturers to designers and builders, digital technologies are used to help reduce the carbon associated with the manufacture of materials and construction of buildings and infrastructure – also known as embodied carbon.
31 March 2023
CSIRO and Climate-KIC Australia will conduct a conceptual study for a low-emissions iron ore processing and ironmaking pilot facility, with funding from the Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia.
10 March 2023
ClimateLaunchpad is looking for innovative ideas help tackle climate change from the Geelong Region.
3 March 2023
The State of the Market 2022 report provides an overview of the Corporate Renewable Power Purchase Agreements (Corporate PPAs) sector and its key trends.
20 February 2023
A new report has, for the first time in Australia, outlined decarbonisation pathways that show it is possible for five of Australia's most significant heavy industry supply chains to transition to net zero, consistent with global efforts to limit warming to 1.5ºC.
2 February 2023
The NSW Decarbonisation Innovation Hub held its formal launch on 2 February 2023 with 120 people attending the event. The launch at UNSW was opened by Professor Attila Brungs – Vice-Chancellor and President, UNSW Sydney, with a video message from Hon Matt Kean, Treasurer NSW Government and an introduction by Felicity Wilson Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer and for COVID Recovery.
21 December 2022
Working through the RACE for 2030 CRC, Climate-KIC Australia, together with universities, state governments, technology providers, industry experts, electricity network businesses and energy retailers designed a study to explore whether an Urban Renewable Energy Zone (UREZ) is a useful mechanism to accelerate investments in DER while supporting the grid and driving other socioeconomic benefits in our cities.
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